Fairlight Works

Official blog of the High Weald Light Railway (1977) Co. Ltd.


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Office time

Oh hey, another year between posts. In truth this reflects the amount of modelling work actually done; with a busy home and work (both “day” job and Narrow Planet) life there hasn’t really been much time for it, although still plenty of thinking and planning – also aka procrastination.

One development that should unblock things a little at home is the decision to move NP out into a dedicated workshop/office for the first time. We’ve been fortunate enough to find a good space not far from home at a reasonable price, and have teamed up with another local model maker – Mulberry Works – to take it on. More on this to come.

Most of the business related stuff has now vacated the garage, so with a little more breathing room maybe I’ll get back to the layout. Maybe!